Brera Design District Brera Design Week 2018 is a project of Brera Design District and Studiolabo

Be Human:
Designing with empathy

The theme of Brera Design Week 2018

'Lezioni di Design' Award
goes to Constance Gennari

Design is automatic

Tissot is the Official Timekeeper of Brera Design Week 2018

Apex Brasil
presents Brazilian Pavilion

An overview of how sophisticated and creative Brazilian Design is

mt - masking tape
presents "Sprout"

an installation with high sense designed by Koji Iyama

Timberland presents
Don’t call me… Dafne

An interesting collaboration with Elena Salmistraro

Brera Design District è il più importante distretto italiano del design

209 eventi  ·   310 aziende e designer  ·   92 showroom permanenti


Apex presents Brasilian Design

Brazilian Pavilion: an overview of how sophisticated and creative Brazilian Design is, at via Maroncelli 14.

MT - Masking Tape

"Sprout": an installation with high sense designed by Koji Iyama with mt colorful tapes.


Don’t call me… Dafne: A new and interesting collaboration with the designer Elena Salmistraro.

Special events

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Sparkling Vibes

Elegant and Endless: a new Idea of Bathroom

Sustaining Engaging Places for a better Life


Installazioni sul territorio

Naviga la mappa con tutti gli eventi

MAIN CONTENT Apex Brasil mt - Masking Tape Timberland Ifis Banca